Sunday, July 12, 2009


The Most Fantastic Show at the Fringe: Magic
Kitty Steffens

And what would any Fringe experience be without a magic show!

Ummm……Kitty, I don’t think we’ve actually seen any magic shows at the Fringe.

(Uncomfortably glancing at the audience)

(Still with excited smile to mask the irritation. Repeats pointedly through clenched teeth, throwing Willie a look)

And what would any Fringe experience be without a magic show!!

(Realizing there is no way out, and with enthusiasm)

And what would any Fringe experience be without a magic show!

(Start awesome German magician synth music. Willie puts on a cape and Kitty pulls on a sequined dress. They flip on some moody lights. Red? With very serious and deliberate looks to the audience, trying to seem mysterious and impressive, Kitty rubs smoke making goo between her fingers. Willie tries to riffle cards and fails. They go all over the floor, but neither acknowledges a failure.)


(as if what they have both done is incredibly impressive)

For my first illusion, I will have my lovely assistant bring me an ancient dagger, hand crafted by the finest, most skilled swordsmiths in all of 13th century china

(Kitty hands him a cheap, plastic, retractable stage knife)

You maam! (approaches audience member) Look closely at its deadly blade! Whittled by dragons and sharper than any mortal razor.

(waves it in front of her far to quickly for her to authenticate)

I must warn you that this is not for the faint of heart. Brace yourselves for the possibility, nay, the likelihood of impending failure and the ensuing gruesome horror.

(There is a long pause during which Willie has to convince himself to go through with it. Willie stabs Kitty, they both feign horror. Kitty clutches the “wound” and looks in pain. Then, she breaks and looks to the audience, smiles, and proclaims)


(Claps to encourage audience to applaud)

Yes, yes folks! This is where the magic happens. Assistant! My cape!

(Kitty takes off his cape)

My jacket!

(Kitty takes off his jacket. He turns jacket inside out and puts it back on. We see that it is reversible. They both give surprised and self-satisfied faces again)


(Moves on)

Assistant! Pick a card, any card!

(Holds up a fanned deck of cards. There is obviously a card that does not belong. Kitty picks that card and, shocked, shows it to the audience. It is a Magic the Gathering card)


(Meanwhile, Willie grabs a poster of Harry Potter and unfurls it)


(Kitty grabs a poster of Magic Johnson and unfurls it)


(They look a little worn out, panting. Willie dabs his brow with a handkerchief. They are smiling and nodding at each other with unspoken congratulations. Maybe a high five. They move on.)